Problem 1

Part b) simulation

# CJ stands for cross-join; it returns all possible
#   pairs of elements of y1 and y2 as a data.table,
#   just like expand.grid does in base R but ~ 5x faster
pmf = CJ(y1 = 0:1, y2 = 0:2
         )[ , p := c(.38, .14, .24, .17, .02, .05)][]

# Jumping into the weeds here a bit.
# Approach: Sample **row numbers** of the pmf with
#  probability corresponding to the likelihood of the
#  corresponding cell in the pmf table.
#  Then draw the y1/y2 corresponding to that row number,
#  and calculate the correlation of y1/y2 that we draw

#  sample(.I, 1e6, prob = p, replace = TRUE)
#    * .I is the shorthand for the row number in a data.table
#    * 1e6 is the number of samples we want to draw
#    * prob = p tells sample not to draw the rows with equal
#      probability, but, e.g., row 1 will be chosen with
#      probability p[1]; row 2, with probability p[2], etc.
#  .SD[sample(...)]
#    * .SD, called within a [] call to a data.table, is simply
#      the data.table itself. So if we write pmf[ , .SD], it's
#      exactly equivalent to having written pmf[]. Oftentimes,
#      it's convenient to be able to refer to the data itself
#      within the [] call, as we do here. So .SD[sample(...)]
#      is the same as pmf[sample(...)], except that we use
#      variables within sample(...) that we can't use in the
#      first argument (called i) to [] -- namely, .I and p
#      Ultimately, .SD[sample(...)] extracts the rows (with
#      repetitions as necessary) corresponding to each element
#      of sample(...).
#  .SD[sample(...), cor(y1, y2)]
#    * Now that we've "subsetted" the data to those rows
#      corresponding to sample(...), we simply calculate the
#      correlation on our sample.
pmf[ , .SD[sample(.I, 1e6, prob = p, replace = TRUE), cor(y1, y2)]]
## [1] -0.1546545

Problem 2

Part a)

Each element of the PMF matrix will be c*(something); when we add up across all cells, it’ll come to c*(sum of cells), which we need to equal 1. Knowing this, we can solve:

x = c(1, 2, 4)
y = c(1, 3)
pmf.matrix = outer(x, y, function(x, y) x^2 + y^2)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    2   10
## [2,]    5   13
## [3,]   17   25
cc = 1/sum(pmf.matrix)
## [1] 0.01388889

Part b) - e), g)-i)

#Same approach as above, but done to death
pmf = CJ(x = x, y = y)[ , p := cc * c(pmf.matrix)]

pmf[ , .SD[sample(.I, 1e6, prob = p, replace = TRUE),
           #Using backticks since these aren't kosher variable names
           .(`(b)` = mean(y < x), `(c)` = mean(y > x), 
             `(d)` = mean(y == x), `(e)` = mean(y == 3),
             `(g.1)` = mean(x), `(g.2)` = mean(y),
             `(g.3)` = mean(x*y), `(h.1)` = var(x),
             `(h.2)` = var(y), `(h.3)` = var(x + y),
             `(i.1)` = mean(x[x >= y]),
             `(i.2)` = var(x[x >= y]))]]
##         (b)      (c)      (d)      (e)    (g.1)    (g.2)    (g.3)    (h.1)
## 1: 0.764056 0.208069 0.027875 0.555846 2.958833 2.111692 6.434377 1.290354
##        (h.2)    (h.3)    (i.1)    (i.2)
## 1: 0.9875259 2.650346 3.298481 1.016507

Problem 3

Part c)

Doing the simulation for an unknown joint CDF is a bit tough. So we’re instead going to approximate by discretizing.

pdf = CJ(y1 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 1000L),
         y2 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 1000L)
         )[ , p := 4 * y1 * y2
            #have to normalize since we discretized
            ][ , p := p/sum(p)]

#sanity check
pdf[ , sum(p)]
## [1] 1
#now calculate CDF
pdf[y1 <= .5 & y2 <= .75, sum(p)]
## [1] 0.1404374

Part d), e)

#marginal dist'n for Y1
pdf[ , .(p_1 = sum(p)), by = y1]
##                y1          p_1
##    1: 0.000000000 0.000000e+00
##    2: 0.001001001 2.002002e-06
##    3: 0.002002002 4.004004e-06
##    4: 0.003003003 6.006006e-06
##    5: 0.004004004 8.008008e-06
##   ---                         
##  996: 0.995995996 1.991992e-03
##  997: 0.996996997 1.993994e-03
##  998: 0.997997998 1.995996e-03
##  999: 0.998998999 1.997998e-03
## 1000: 1.000000000 2.000000e-03
#marginal dist'n for Y2
pdf[ , .(p_2 = sum(p)), by = y2]
##                y2          p_2
##    1: 0.000000000 0.000000e+00
##    2: 0.001001001 2.002002e-06
##    3: 0.002002002 4.004004e-06
##    4: 0.003003003 6.006006e-06
##    5: 0.004004004 8.008008e-06
##   ---                         
##  996: 0.995995996 1.991992e-03
##  997: 0.996996997 1.993994e-03
##  998: 0.997997998 1.995996e-03
##  999: 0.998998999 1.997998e-03
## 1000: 1.000000000 2.000000e-03

Part g)

pdf[ , .SD[sample(.I, 1e6, prob = p, replace = TRUE), var(y1 - y2)]]
## [1] 0.1111621

Problem 4

Part a)

k = 1/integrate(function(y) y^3, 0, 6)$value/
  integrate(function(x) x^2, 0, 6)$value
## [1] 4.286694e-05

Part b)-c)

We can’t get an expression for the marginal PDF of \(X\), but we can plot it like so:

x = seq(0, 6, length.out = 1000L)
plot(x, sapply(x, function(xx)
  integrate(function(y) k * xx^2 * y^3, 0, 6)$value),
  main = "Marginal PDF of X", ylab = "Density", 
  type = "l", lwd = 3L, col = "red", las = 1L)

y = seq(0, 6, length.out = 1000L)
plot(y, sapply(y, function(yy)
  integrate(function(x) k * x^2 * yy^3, 0, 6)$value),
  main = "Marginal PDF of Y", ylab = "Density",
  type = "l", lwd = 3L, col = "blue", las = 1L)

Parts d)-f)

pdf = CJ(x = x, y = y)[ , p := k * x^2 * y^3
                        ][ , p := p/sum(p)]
pdf[ , .SD[sample(.I, 1e6, prob = p, replace = TRUE), 
           .(`(d)` = var(x), `(e)` = var(y), `(f)` = cov(x, y))]]
##         (d)       (e)           (f)
## 1: 1.351167 0.9614504 -0.0002651709