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Diagnose the R messages in a package to discover the presence of "cracked" messages better served for translation by templating. See Details.





A data.table, or object convertible to one.


A data.table with columns call, file, line_number, and replacement summarizing the results.


Error messages built like stop("You gave ", n, " arguments, but ", m, " are needed.") are in general hard for translators -- the correct translation may be in a totally different order (e.g., this is often the case for Japanese). It is preferable instead to use base::gettextf() to build a templated message like stop(gettextf("You gave %d arguments but %d are needed.", n, m)). Translators are then free to rearrange the template to put the numeric pattern where it fits most naturally in the target language.

See also

translate_package(), update_pkg_po()


Michael Chirico


pkg <- file.path(system.file(package = 'potools'), 'pkg')
# copy to a temporary location to be able to read/write/update below
tmp_pkg <- file.path(tempdir(), "pkg")
file.copy(pkg, dirname(tmp_pkg), recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE

# first, extract message data
message_data = get_message_data(tmp_pkg)
#> Getting R-level messages...
#> Getting src-level messages...

# now, diagnose the messages for any "cracked" ones
#>                                                                                                                           call
#>                                                                                                                         <char>
#> 1: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#>      file line_number
#>    <char>       <int>
#> 1:  add.R           7
#>                                                                                                                                         replacement
#>                                                                                                                                              <char>
#> 1: stop(domain=NA, gettextf("add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: %s", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer")))))

# cleanup
unlink(tmp_pkg, recursive = TRUE)
rm(pkg, tmp_pkg, message_data)