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This function looks in the R and src directories of a package for user-visible messages and compiles them as a data.table::data.table() to facilitate analyzing this corpus as such.


  dir = ".",
  custom_translation_functions = list(R = NULL, src = NULL),
  style = NULL,
  verbose = !is_testing()



Character, default the present directory; a directory in which an R package is stored.


A list with either/both of two components, R and src, together governing how to extract any non-standard strings from the package.

See Details in translate_package().


Translation style, either "base" or "explict". The default, NULL, reads from the DESCRIPTION field Config/potools/style so you can specify the style once for your package.

Both styles extract strings explicitly flagged for translation with gettext() or ngettext(). The base style additionally extracts strings in calls to stop(), warning(), and message(), and to stopf(), warningf(), and messagef() if you have added those helpers to your package. The explicit style also accepts tr_() as a short hand for gettext(). See vignette("developer") for more details.


Logical, default TRUE (except during testing). Should extra information about progress, etc. be reported?


A data.table with the following schema:

  • message_source: character, either "R" or "src", saying whether the string was found in the R or the src folder of the package

  • type: character, either "singular" or "plural"; "plural" means the string came from ngettext() and can be pluralized

  • file: character, the file where the string was found

  • msgid: character, the string (character literal or char array as found in the source); missing for all type == "plural" strings

  • msgid_plural: list(character, character), the strings (character literals or char arrays as found in the source); the first applies in English for n=1 (see ngettext), while the second applies for n!=1; missing for all type == "singular" strings

  • call: character, the full call containing the string that was found

  • line_number: integer, the line in file where the string was found

  • is_repeat: logical, whether the msgid is a duplicate within this message_source

  • is_marked_for_translation:logical, whether the string is marked for translation (e.g., in R, all character literals supplied to a ... argument in stop() are so marked)

  • is_templated, logical, whether the string is templatable (e.g., uses %s or other formatting markers)


Michael Chirico


pkg <- system.file('pkg', package = 'potools')
#> Getting R-level messages...
#> Getting src-level messages...
#>    message_source     type          file
#>            <char>   <char>        <char>
#> 1:              R singular         add.R
#> 2:              R singular         add.R
#> 3:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 4:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 5:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 6:            src singular reverse_int.c
#>                                                            msgid msgid_plural
#>                                                           <char>       <list>
#> 1: add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types:             
#> 2:                                                       integer             
#> 3:                                                     Launching             
#> 4:                                                             /             
#> 5:                                                                           
#> 6:        reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s             
#>                                                                                                                           call
#>                                                                                                                         <char>
#> 1: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 2: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 3:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 4:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 5:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 6:                                                                 _("reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s")
#>    line_number is_repeat is_marked_for_translation is_templated
#>          <int>    <lgcl>                    <lgcl>       <lgcl>
#> 1:           7     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 2:           8     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 3:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 4:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 5:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 6:           9     FALSE                      TRUE         TRUE

# includes strings provided to the custom R wrapper function catf()
get_message_data(pkg, custom_translation_functions = list(R = "catf:fmt|1"))
#> Getting R-level messages...
#> Getting src-level messages...
#>    message_source     type          file
#>            <char>   <char>        <char>
#> 1:              R singular         add.R
#> 2:              R singular         add.R
#> 3:              R singular         add.R
#> 4:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 5:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 6:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 7:            src singular reverse_int.c
#>                                                            msgid msgid_plural
#>                                                           <char>       <list>
#> 1: add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types:             
#> 2:                                                       integer             
#> 3:                                      Adding %d integer inputs             
#> 4:                                                     Launching             
#> 5:                                                             /             
#> 6:                                                                           
#> 7:        reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s             
#>                                                                                                                           call
#>                                                                                                                         <char>
#> 1: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 2: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 3:                                                                           catf("Adding %d integer inputs\\n", length(dots))
#> 4:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 5:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 6:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 7:                                                                 _("reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s")
#>    line_number is_repeat is_marked_for_translation is_templated
#>          <int>    <lgcl>                    <lgcl>       <lgcl>
#> 1:           7     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 2:           8     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 3:          12     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 4:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 5:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 6:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 7:           9     FALSE                      TRUE         TRUE

# includes untranslated strings provided to the custom
#   C/C++ wrapper function ReverseTemplateMessage()
  custom_translation_functions = list(src = "ReverseTemplateMessage:2")
#> Getting R-level messages...
#> Getting src-level messages...
#>    message_source     type          file
#>            <char>   <char>        <char>
#> 1:              R singular         add.R
#> 2:              R singular         add.R
#> 3:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 4:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 5:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 6:            src singular reverse_int.c
#> 7:            src singular reverse_int.c
#>                                                            msgid msgid_plural
#>                                                           <char>       <list>
#> 1: add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types:             
#> 2:                                                       integer             
#> 3:                                                     Launching             
#> 4:                                                             /             
#> 5:                                                                           
#> 6:        reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s             
#> 7:                        Reversing a vector with %d elements\\n             
#>                                                                                                                           call
#>                                                                                                                         <char>
#> 1: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 2: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 3:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 4:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 5:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 6:                                                                 _("reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s")
#> 7:                                                         ReverseTemplateMessage(n, "Reversing a vector with %d elements\\n")
#>    line_number is_repeat is_marked_for_translation is_templated
#>          <int>    <lgcl>                    <lgcl>       <lgcl>
#> 1:           7     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 2:           8     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 3:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 4:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 5:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 6:           9     FALSE                      TRUE         TRUE
#> 7:          19     FALSE                     FALSE         TRUE

# cleanup