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Serialize a message database in the .po and .pot formats recognized by the gettext ecosystem.


  width = 79L,
  wrap_at_newline = TRUE,
  use_base_rules = metadata$package %chin% .potools$base_package_names

  package = "",
  version = "",
  language = "",
  author = "",
  email = "",
  bugs = "",
  copyright = NULL,

# S3 method for po_metadata
format(x, template = FALSE, use_plurals = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for po_metadata
print(x, ...)



data.table, as returned from get_message_data(). NB: R creates separate domains for R and C/C++ code; it is recommended you do the same by filtering the get_message_data output for message_source == "R" or message_source == "src". Other approaches are untested.


Character vector giving a destination path. Paths ending in .pot will be written with template files (e.g., msgstr entries will be blanked).


A po_metadata object as returned by po_metadata().


Numeric governing the wrapping width of the output file. Default is 79L to match the behavior of the xgettext utility. Inf turns off wrapping (except for file source markers comments).


Logical, default TRUE to match the xgettext utility's behavior. If TRUE, any msgid or msgstr will always be wrapped at an internal newline (i.e., literally matching \n).


Logical; Should internal behavior match base behavior as strictly as possible? TRUE if being run on a base package (i.e., base or one of the default packages like utils, graphics, etc.). See Details.


Character; the name of the package being translated.


Character; the version of the package being translated.


Character; the language of the msgstr. See translate_package() for details.


Character; an author (combined with email) to whom to attribute the translations (as Last-Translator).


Character; an e-mail address associated with author.


Character; a URL where issues with the translations can be reported.


An object used to construct the initial Copyright reference in the output. If NULL, no such comment is written. If a list, it should the following structure:

  • year: Required, A year or hyphen-separated range of years

  • holder: Required, The name of the copyright holder

  • title: Optional, A title for the .po

  • additional: Optional, A character vector of additional lines for the copyright comment section

If a character scalar, it is interpreted as the holder and the year is set as the POT-Creation-Date's year.


Additional (named) components to add to the metadata. For print.po_metadata, passed on to format.po_metadata


A po_metadata object.


Logical; format the metadata as in a .pot template?


Logical; should the Plural-Forms entry be included?


For po_metadata, an object of class po_metadata that has a format method used to serialize the metadata.


Three components are set automatically if not provided:

  • pot_timestamp - A POSIXct used to write the POT-Creation-Date entry. Defaults to the Sys.time() at run time.

  • po_timestamp - A POSIXct used to write the PO-Revision-Date entry. Defaults to be the same as pot_timestamp.

  • language_team - A string used to write the Language-Team entry. Defaults to be the same as language; if provided manually, the format LANGUAGE <> is recommended.

The charset for output is always set to "UTF-8"; this is intentional to make it more cumbersome to create non-UTF-8 files.


Michael Chirico


message_data <- get_message_data(system.file('pkg', package='potools'))
#> Getting R-level messages...
#> Getting src-level messages...
desc_data <- read.dcf(system.file('pkg', 'DESCRIPTION', package='potools'), c('Package', 'Version'))
metadata <- po_metadata(
  package = desc_data[, "Package"], version = desc_data[, "Version"],
  language = 'ar_SY', author = 'R User', email = '',
  bugs = ''

# add fake translations
message_data[type == "singular", msgstr := "<arabic translation>"]
#> Index: <type>
#>    message_source     type          file
#>            <char>   <char>        <char>
#> 1:              R singular         add.R
#> 2:              R singular         add.R
#> 3:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 4:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 5:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 6:            src singular reverse_int.c
#>                                                            msgid msgid_plural
#>                                                           <char>       <list>
#> 1: add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types:             
#> 2:                                                       integer             
#> 3:                                                     Launching             
#> 4:                                                             /             
#> 5:                                                                           
#> 6:        reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s             
#>                                                                                                                           call
#>                                                                                                                         <char>
#> 1: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 2: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 3:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 4:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 5:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 6:                                                                 _("reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s")
#>    line_number is_repeat is_marked_for_translation is_templated
#>          <int>    <lgcl>                    <lgcl>       <lgcl>
#> 1:           7     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 2:           8     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 3:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 4:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 5:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 6:           9     FALSE                      TRUE         TRUE
#>                  msgstr
#>                  <char>
#> 1: <arabic translation>
#> 2: <arabic translation>
#> 3: <arabic translation>
#> 4: <arabic translation>
#> 5: <arabic translation>
#> 6: <arabic translation>
# Arabic has 6 plural forms
message_data[type == "plural", msgstr_plural := .(as.list(sprintf("<%d translation>", 0:5)))]
#> Index: <type>
#>    message_source     type          file
#>            <char>   <char>        <char>
#> 1:              R singular         add.R
#> 2:              R singular         add.R
#> 3:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 4:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 5:              R singular      onLoad.R
#> 6:            src singular reverse_int.c
#>                                                            msgid msgid_plural
#>                                                           <char>       <list>
#> 1: add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types:             
#> 2:                                                       integer             
#> 3:                                                     Launching             
#> 4:                                                             /             
#> 5:                                                                           
#> 6:        reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s             
#>                                                                                                                           call
#>                                                                                                                         <char>
#> 1: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 2: stop( "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types: ", toString(unique(setdiff(input_types, "integer"))) )
#> 3:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 4:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 5:                                                              cat("Launching", format(libname), "/", format(pkgname), "\\n")
#> 6:                                                                 _("reverse_int() only works on integer input, received %s")
#>    line_number is_repeat is_marked_for_translation is_templated
#>          <int>    <lgcl>                    <lgcl>       <lgcl>
#> 1:           7     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 2:           8     FALSE                      TRUE        FALSE
#> 3:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 4:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 5:           2     FALSE                     FALSE        FALSE
#> 6:           9     FALSE                      TRUE         TRUE
#>                  msgstr msgstr_plural
#>                  <char>        <list>
#> 1: <arabic translation>              
#> 2: <arabic translation>              
#> 3: <arabic translation>              
#> 4: <arabic translation>              
#> 5: <arabic translation>              
#> 6: <arabic translation>              

# Preview metadata
#> msgid ""
#> msgstr ""
#> "Project-Id-Version: potoolsExample 0.0.1\n"
#> "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
#> "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-21 13:00+0000\n"
#> "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-06-21 13:00+0000\n"
#> "Last-Translator: R User <>\n"
#> "Language-Team: ar_SY\n"
#> "Language: ar_SY\n"
#> "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
#> "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
# write .po file
  message_data[message_source == "R"],
  tmp_po <- tempfile(fileext = '.po'),
#> msgid ""
#> msgstr ""
#> "Project-Id-Version: potoolsExample 0.0.1\n"
#> "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
#> "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-21 13:00+0000\n"
#> "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-06-21 13:00+0000\n"
#> "Last-Translator: R User <>\n"
#> "Language-Team: ar_SY\n"
#> "Language: ar_SY\n"
#> "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
#> "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#> #: add.R:7
#> msgid "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types:"
#> msgstr "<arabic translation>"
#> #: add.R:8
#> msgid "integer"
#> msgstr "<arabic translation>"

# write .pot template
  message_data[message_source == "R"],
  tmp_pot <- tempfile(fileext = '.pot'),
#> msgid ""
#> msgstr ""
#> "Project-Id-Version: potoolsExample 0.0.1\n"
#> "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
#> "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-21 13:00+0000\n"
#> "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
#> "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
#> "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
#> "Language: \n"
#> "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
#> "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#> #: add.R:7
#> msgid "add() only works on all-integer input, but found other types:"
#> msgstr ""
#> #: add.R:8
#> msgid "integer"
#> msgstr ""

# cleanup
file.remove(tmp_po, tmp_pot)
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
rm(message_data, desc_data, metadata, tmp_po, tmp_pot)